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How to Write a Research Paper

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How to Write a Research Paper Empty How to Write a Research Paper

Message par methodiX Lun 9 Aoû - 15:01

How to Write a Research Paper ?

  • Choose a topic that is broad enough to be interesting but narrow enough to be manageable.
  • Step 2

    Find your sources. Start with three or four, check their bibliographies for additional sources, and repeat the process until you have enough material to work with.
  • Step 3

    Reserve one index card for each source. Record the bibliographic information for the source on its index card, and number each card for ease of future reference.
  • Step 4

    Take reading notes on index cards, writing down only the material that is most relevant to your project. Write the source number on each card.
  • Step 5

    Organize your index cards by topic and subtopic.
  • Step 6

    Use the cards as a basis for an outline (see 'How to Outline a Paper').
  • Step 7

    Write an introduction that grabs the reader and plots out the trajectory of your argument.
  • Step 8

    Write the body of the paper, following the structure you created in your outline. Be sure to cite sources.
  • Step 9

    Write the conclusion, reviewing how you've made your points.
  • Step 10

    Come up with a title after you've written the paper, not before: You don't want the content of the paper to be hamstrung by an inappropriate title.
  • Step 11

    Read your paper at least twice to be sure your argument makes sense and is presented logically.
  • Step 12

    Proofread carefully; teachers hate typographical errors. Use your word processor's spelling checker, but don't rely on it utterly.

  • methodiX

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    Date d'inscription : 22/03/2007

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    How to Write a Research Paper Empty Re: How to Write a Research Paper

    Message par methodiX Lun 9 Aoû - 15:02


    Nombre de messages : 1260
    Localisation : Le couloir de l'école polytechnique de Tunis
    Réputation : 68
    Points : 7257
    Date d'inscription : 22/03/2007

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    How to Write a Research Paper Left_bar_bleue1000/1000How to Write a Research Paper Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)

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